Showing posts with label Vegetables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vegetables. Show all posts

Sep 19, 2016

Mixed Vegetable Salad

This raw mixed vegetable salad takes the green leaves out of the mix and focuses more on the "topping" vegetables themselves. I often have trouble eating zucchini, carrots, and cabbage in their raw states because they are tough to chew and I'd rather save the effort by cooking them or replacing them altogether. However, by shredding the zucchini and carrot and finely slicing the cabbage, enjoying them raw is much easier. That's what makes this salad is so great—it allows me to get the most nutritional benefit from vegetables I normally shun.

The sun-dried tomatoes, feta cheese, and olives offer complementary textures and flavors and the vinaigrette packs a fresh, lemony punch. I like to serve this dish at the center of the dinner table family-style and go in for servings as I enjoy the main dish, because it acts somewhat as a palette cleanser throughout the meal. Enjoy!
What You'll Need:

1/2 large zucchini
1 carrot
5–6 dry sun-dried tomatoes, soaked in water for at least 30 minutes (or 5-6 oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes)
1/4 head red cabbage
1 handful parsley
1/4 cup olive oil
1 lemon, juiced
8–10 black olives
1/4–1/2cup feta cheese, crumbled
Salt and pepper to taste
What To Do:

Grate the zucchini and carrot, chop the sun-dried tomatoes, finely slice the red cabbage and chop the parsley. Place into a bowl.
In a separate small bowl whisk together the olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper.
Pour the vinaigrette over the vegetables and toss until evenly distributed.
Put the mixture into a serving dish and top with olives and feta cheese.
Serve family-style and enjoy! Top with freshly ground pepper and an extra drizzle of olive oil or vinaigrette if desired.