Sep 12, 2018

Health benefits of Ponnanganni keerai

Ponnanganni keerai is an aquatic plant of Asian origin grown in tropical and subtropical regions. There are two varieties of ponnanganni keerai. One is with green leaves called nattu ponnanganni and the other is with pink leaves called seemai ponnanganni.

nattu ponnanganni keerai

Nutrition facts

Ponnanganni keerai/100 gms contains

Calories Of Energy
 5 grams
 1 gram
 12 grams
Dietary Fiber
 3 grams
 2 grams
 510 mg
 60 mg

The leaves also contain hydrocarbons, oleanic acid rhamnoside, methylene cycloartenol, stigmasterol etc.

seemai ponnanganni keerai

Health benefit

In different countries, people use ponnanganni leaves as remedy for different health issues in addition to using it as a vegetable in regular diet. The leaves and the plant are widely used in fresh and dried forms in Indian Ayurveda and Siddha medicine as a cure for various ailments.

Ponnangannni keerai and its plant are used in various forms both in external applications and for internal consumption. The flowers which are in white colour also have medicinal properties and is good for the eye.

Benefit 1: Eye care

Ponnanganni keerai or leaves are one of the best sources for treatment of eye related problems. Fresh leaves are applied as such on the eye lids to cure inflammation in the sebaceous glands of the eyelids. It also cures chronic inflammation in the eyes and conjunctivitis. The paste prepared from the leaves are applied tropically on the affected areas to draw out from the body stings and spines. Powdered dry ponnanganni leaves are applied externally to remove the effect of poison due to snakebites. It can be applied along with other first-aids given for snake bites.

Benefit 2: Reduces body heat

The oil extracted from the leaves can be deeply rubbed on the scalp and allowed to remain for about 15 minutes and then shampoo washed. This method reduces the body heat to the normal level and keeps the eyes cool. By repeating the process periodically at regular intervals it helps good hair growth also.

Benefit 3: Enhances energy level

Consuming a mixture of ponnanganni juice with cow’s milk enhances the body strength and vitality. Goat milk also can be substituted for cow milk. Consuming every day, in the mornings a teaspoon of the extract of ponnanganni leaves mixed well with coconut oil improves the overall energy level of the body.

Benefit 4: Piles

Constipation and piles including bleeding problems can be cured by ponnanganni leaves. Regular consumption of this green helps to improve digestion, prevent constipation and cure problems including IBS – Irritable bowel syndrome.

Benefit 5: Liver care

In Indian medicine ponnanganni keerai is used as a cholagogue, gastrointestinal agent, which stimulates the bile flow (bile is an emulsifying agent produced in the liver which aids digestion of fats).

Benefit 6: Cures Asthma

Consumption of two tablespoons of ponnanganni juice with one or two garlic cloves cures intermittent fever, continuous cough and asthma.

Benefit 7: Improves breast milk

Consumption of cooked ponnanganni keerai and the soft stems of the plant helps lactating mothers by improving breast milk besides maintaining the health of the liver.Breastfeeding mothers can include about 2 tablespoons of the cooked green to their lunch diet. It would be an ideal accompaniment for rice along with ghee. It provides essential EFAs as well as improves lactation in new mothers.

Benefit 8: Helps weight gain

Those who are underweight, can consume ponnanganni leaves after cooking with tuvar dhal and ghee to gain weight. You can consume this like a soup or eaten along with rice.

Benefit 9: Cures headache

When the fragrance of the dried (powdered) leaves are inhaled, it provides relief from headache and dizziness. The same oil explained above can be used to cure headaches.The extract of the leaves has the ability to stop vomiting and reduces nausea too.

Who should not consume ponnanganni leaves?

It is safe to consume this green and can be consumed by everyone. It is good for toddlers as well as for pregnant women. Keep the consumption moderate and consume the leaves thrice a week.

How to buy ponnanganni leaves?

Buy leaves that are fresh and green. Yellow leaves are not ideal for consumption and should be avoided. Organic greens are always the best. These leaves can be cultivated easily and can be part of your kitchen garden.

Sep 6, 2018

11 Heart-Healthy Cooking Tips

Tips 1

Drain the fat of off cooked, ground meat.

Tips 2

When you make a stew or soup, refrigerate leftovers and skim off the fat with a spoon before reheating and serving.

Eat fish regularly.Tips 3

Eat fish regularly.

Tips 4

sources of protein
Include plant foods as sources of protein, including soybeans, pinto beans, lentils and nuts.

Tips 5

Use liquid vegetable oils
Use liquid vegetable oils and soft margarine instead of stick margarine or shortening.

Tips 6

Limit trans fatsLimit trans fats often found in foods such as cakes, cookies, crackers, pastries, pies, muffins, doughnuts and French fries. Many food manufacturers have removed trans fats from their foods. Check the Nutrition Facts Label on food packaging to see if trans fats are listed.

Tips 7
Make salad dressings with olive oil

Make salad dressings with olive oil.

Tips 8

oils that provide omega-3

Select oils that provide omega-3 fatty acids, such as canola or flaxseed oil.

Tips 9
Prepare foods at home

Prepare foods at home so you can control the amount of salt in your meals.

Tips 10
Check the Nutrition Facts Label for sodium

Check the Nutrition Facts Label for sodium and choose products with lower sodium content.

Tips 11
Season foods with herbs, spices, garlic, onions, peppers and lemon

Season foods with herbs, spices, garlic, onions, peppers and lemon or lime juice to add flavor.

Sep 5, 2018


Ingredient 1: Start with a smoothie

If you're always in a rush in the morning and often skip breakfast, try blasting up a smoothie in a blender. This vitamin C-packed Super berry smoothie contains just five ingredients including oats so it'll really help to sustain you past the tempting coffee and croissant stop. To keep you going for longer, add a spoonful of whey powder from a health food shop - this protein hit will help to keep hunger pangs at bay.

Ingredient 2: Soup-up your soup

Veggie soups are great but toss in a bit of protein in the form of pulses, seafood or meat and you'll tick more nutritional boxes. A hearty low-cal seafood broth with mussels and potatoes means you won't need anything else for lunch. Mussels are a great source of B12 and selenium and will give you an iron and vitamin C boost.

Ingredient 3: Super stews

It's not easy to find a stew (healthy or not) with just five ingredients but this Squash and coconut curry is just the thing. If you like, supercharge it with a spoonful of chia seeds added along with the reduced fat coconut milk or sprinkled over the top at the end for texture. Chia seeds are the hot health ingredient at the moment, boasting high levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, protein, fibre, calcium, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, shall I go on?

Ingredient 4: One-pot power

Quinoa remains a popular choice for the health conscious as it's a complete protein that contains eight essential amino acids aka 'the building blocks of life', fibre, magnesium and iron. A one-pot like Spicy vegetable and quinoa laksa ticks all the boxes, taking just five storecupboard ingredients and 20 minutes to prepare. This power pot is high in fibre and counts as three of your five-a-day.

Ingredient 5: Savvy snacking

Ready in just 10 minutes, keep these Dried fruit energy nuggets to hand when you're on the go - they're a great way to beat chocolate cravings. If you really can't resist, for a few more ingredients but no extra time, you can make Energy bites containing a sprinkling of cocoa along with omega-3 fuelled flaxseed. The subtle chocolately flavour with an energy kick is sure to combat an afternoon lull and make the perfect exercise snack too.

Top 10 Healthy Cooking Tips

Cooking your food has turned into an alternative nowadays once you will need to remain fit and healthy. Especially that restaurants and foods are blasting around, it might be enticing to grab those instant dinners. However, it is dependably crucial administer a healthy weight and to remain healthy.

Tips 1: Pick Healthy Ingredients.

Strive for apples and crispy vegetables and oranges. Ones that are natural are better decisions yet if you don’t have admittance to organic vegetables; confirm that they are соmрlеtеlу washed by you with running verdant water vegetables.

Tips 2: Pick a method that is healthier for cooking your meals.

Flame broil. Rather than profound frісаssееіng, уоu саn lіkеwіsе stіrfry. Additionally, select systems for cooking that may hold the essence the shade and the supplements of fixings and the vegetables.

Tips 3: Attempt some healthіеr орtіоns tо fаt аnd fооds hіgh іn сhоlеstеrоl.

Yоu can discover natural flavors and healthier decisions. Stay away from transformed foods, however, could be expected. Assess the mark of foods is assuming that you cannot escape with purchasing one. You can likewise discover choices to meat. Soya protein.

Tips 4: Use Olive oil or Canola oil for your searing necessities.

You must be aware of the sorts of oil and confirm that you understand which them is the decision that is healthier. Think of what amount of fats they hold. The unhealthier, the unsaturated fat is your cooking oil.

Tips 5: Remove sodium or salt.

Regardless of the fact that you may need to add salt discover substitutes that are various, by way of instance, herbs, and other feature flavors and eliminate your salt. Salt could be unhealthy especially the people who are overweight and the individuals who have issues with their heartbeat. Check the names of managed foods, as you can figure out whether the salt substance is high, yet obviously is to dispense with the element and substitute it.

Tips 6: Settle on the low-fat pieces

Assuming that you can dispose of fat from the elements, for milk, margarine or example, pick those with fewer fats. You can extemporize on a formula escape you in using fats, and that will assist you to abstain from using more. Obviouslу, оnе ехсерtіоnаl rесоmmеndаtіоn fоr уou is to take those fixings out with the high fat material. You may alter your formula to dispose of these fixings that are unhealthy.

Tips 7: Choose grains rather than those items.

Arоund thе mіхеd bаg оf grаіns thаt уоu саn utіlіzе аrе tаn rice, rye, wheat, oats, and grain. If you are currently buying baked goods, consider assuming that they are created out of these grains.

Tips 8: Cooking practices that accompanied nevertheless as could reasonably be anticipated.

Stirfry as systems that are opposed to utilizing the fricasseeing. Trim the fattening some bit of the meat before trying to cook it as well.

Tips 9: Pick on your oil.

Cooking Oil has effects that are vital in cooking and to your health too. By picking on oils which hold unsaturated fats, by way of instance, sesame, safflower, olive, and canola can help. In any case, using these oils can pack more than enough calories better cut your usage or quarter when you’re able to.

Tips 10: Make your veggies with salt.

What might you select; a cabbage without defects? Anyhow your choice is cured with poisons and its damaging to your health. This manner, better take your veggies in a bowl with water and no less than 2 tbsp of salt. This helps to reduce the mixes of insect sprays, abandoning you with protected and just natural veggies. 

Green verdant Vegetables need less time to cook. Until all of the elements are just about done, as different and opposed to cooking it with meat fixings, hold up. Now include your veggies the latest moment. This is sufficient to cook the vegetables it will hold flavor the color as well as the nutritional supplements.

Aug 17, 2018

Health Benefits of Fruit

Health Benefits of FruitFruit has been recognized as a good source of vitamins and minerals, and for their role in preventing vitamin C and vitamin A deficiencies. People who eat fruit as part of an overall healthy diet generally have a reduced risk of chronic diseases. USDA's MyPlate encourages making half your plate fruits and vegetables for healthy eating.

Fruit are important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, fiber, vitamin C and folate (folic acid). Try incorporating blueberries, citrus fruit, cranberries or strawberries which contain phytochemicals that are being studied for added health benefits.

Eating Fruit Provides Health Benefits

The nutrients in fruit are vital for health and maintenance of your body. The potassium in fruit can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Potassium may also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss as you age.

Folate (folic acid) helps the body form red blood cells. Women of childbearing age who may become pregnant and those in the first trimester of pregnancy need adequate folate. Folate helps prevent neural tube birth defects, such as spina bifida.

More Health Benefits of Fruit:

- Eating a diet rich in fruit may reduce risk for stroke, other cardiovascular diseases and type-2 diabetes.
- A fruit containing eating pattern is part of an overall healthy diet and may protect against certain cancers.
- Fruit helps maintain optimum health due to the health promoting phytochemicals it contains – many of which are still being identified.
- One to 2-1/2 cups of fruit are recommended each day, depending on how many calories you need. To find out how much fruit you need, try the Healthy Eating Planner.

Health Benefits of Green Leafy Vegetables

Verdant vegetables are perfect for weight administration as they are normally low in calories. They are valuable in reducing the danger of malignancy and coronary illness since they are low in fat, high in dietary fiber, and rich in folic corrosive, vitamin C, potassium and magnesium, and also containing a large group of phytochemicals, for example, lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene. One investigation demonstrated that an addition of one every day serving of green verdant vegetables brought down the danger of cardiovascular infection by 11 percent. In the Adventist wellbeing study, the successive utilization of green plates of mixed greens by African-Americans was related with a significantly bring down danger of mortality. 

In light of their high magnesium substance and low glycemic file, green verdant vegetables are likewise important for people with compose 2 diabetes. An expansion of 1 serving/day of green verdant vegetables was related with a 9 percent bring down danger of diabetes. The abnormal state of vitamin K in greens makes them critical for the creation of osteocalcin, a protein basic for bone wellbeing. The danger of hip break in moderately aged ladies was diminished 45% for at least one servings/day of green, verdant vegetables contrasted with less servings.

Green vegetables are likewise a noteworthy wellspring of iron and calciumfor any eating regimen. Swiss chard and spinach are not viewed as great wellsprings of calcium, because of their high substance of oxalic corrosive. Green verdant vegetables are wealthy in beta-carotene, which can likewise be changed over into vitamin An, and furthermore enhance resistant capacity. A huge number of youngsters around the globe have an expanded danger of visual deficiency, and different sicknesses in view of lacking dietary vitamin A from green verdant vegetables.

Lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids found in dull green verdant vegetables, are gathered in the eye focal point and macular district of the retina, and assume a defensive part in the eye. They ensure against both waterfall and age-related macular degeneration, the significant reason for visual impairment in the elderly. A few investigations recommend that lutein and zeaxanthin may help diminish the danger of specific kinds of tumor, for example, bosom and lung growth, and may add to the counteractive action of coronary illness and stroke.

Green veggies contain an assortment of carotenoids, flavonoids and other intense cell reinforcements that have tumor defensive properties. In a Swedish report, it was accounted for that eating at least 3 servings per seven day stretch of green verdant vegetables fundamentally decreased the danger of stomach tumor, the fourth most continuous growth on the planet. Cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and broccoli are wealthy in indoles and isothiocyanates, which ensure us against colon and different growths. Broccoli grows have been accounted for to contain at least 10 fold the amount of sulforaphane, a disease defensive substance, than matures broccoli. A higher utilization of green verdant vegetables has been appeared to essentially diminish the danger of bosom growth and skin disease.

Studies have distinguished a quality, connexin 43, whose articulation is upregulated by chemopreventive carotenoids and which permits coordinate intercellular hole junctional correspondence. In numerous human tumors hole junctional correspondence is inadequate and its up-control is related with diminished multiplication. Thus, the malignancy preventive properties of carotenoids are somewhat clarified by their effect on quality control.

Quercetin is a bioflavonoid found in verdant green vegetables. Quercetin has a cancer prevention agent and mitigating movement and presentations novel anticancer properties. Quercetin is a characteristic intensify that squares substances engaged with hypersensitivities and goes about as an inhibitor of pole cell discharge, and causes a reduction in the arrival of interleukin-6.

There was impressive concern related with the E.coli O157:H7 flare-up in the fall of 2006 (26 states were influenced) that was related with sullied stowed infant spinach. The episode brought about 205 affirmed sicknesses and three passings, with the disease causing grisly loose bowels and lack of hydration. FDA specialists recommended that the episode was conceivably caused by the nearness of wild pigs on the farm, or that the water system water had been defiled with steers defecation or touching deer.

Green, verdant vegetables give an awesome assortment of hues from the pale blue green of kale to the brilliant kelly green of spinach. Verdant greens run the entire array of flavors, from sweet to unpleasant, from peppery to hearty. Youthful plants for the most part have little, delicate leaves and a mellow flavor. Many develop plants have harder leaves and more grounded flavors. Collards, Swiss chard, bok choy, and spinach give a gentle flavor while arugula, mizuna and mustard greens give a peppery flavor. Bok choy is best known for use in blend fries, since it stays fresh, notwithstanding when cooked to a delicate stage. One ought to dependably pick fresh leaves with new dynamic green shading. Yellowing is an indication of age and shows that the greens may have an off flavor. Plate of mixed greens give an entire scope of critical supplements and phytochemicals to keep us sound.

7 Green Leafy Foods with Nutritional Information

Leaf Cabbage or Kale

Leaf Cabbage or Kale
Leaf cabbage has built up notoriety for being a standout amongst the most sound plant nourishment accessible, with an abnormal state of supplements in its takes off. At the point when contrasted with different plants, it is bring down in particular supplements—for example, kale contains less calcium than does spinach, collard greens, and arugula—so once more, it is essential to pivot diverse plant leaves through your eating routine. Kale can be somewhat hard to bite when crude, so take a stab at rubbing the leaves in olive oil, or softly steaming before eating them.


Spinach was Popeye's green of decision all things considered—it is considerably higher than the powerhouse kale in calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin K, and folate. It likewise has a mellow flavor that makes it simple to match with an assortment of products of the soil or to mix up in smoothies.

Chard or Swiss chard (Strawberry Spinach)

With a rainbow assortment of stems, Swiss chard can add shading to your plate—and a heap of supplements to boot. While it has a more elevated amount of sodium than different greens (77 mg for every glass), it runs near spinach with the level of supplements it offers.

Romaine Lettuce

Romaine Lettuce
Numerous individuals pick romaine lettuce for servings of mixed greens in light of its gentle taste, new crunch, and flexibility in formulas. It isn't the most nutritiously thick verdant green, however it is high in folate and vitamin A, and can without much of a stretch be blended with different greens.

Collard Greens (Bokchoy, kale, Brussels sprouts, Broccoli, Cauliflower)

Collard greens are every now and again eaten in the Southern U.S. districts; however merit consideration wherever for their medical advantages. Collard greens give almost double the measure of calcium as spinach and are high in potassium and magnesium, as well.

Arugula (Rocket leaves)

Arugula has a hot taste that can mix it up of servings of mixed greens and dishes. Its general dietary esteem is for the most part lower than other green verdant vegetables; however it contains more calcium than kale, gives a decent wellspring of cancer prevention agents and fiber, and consolidates well with the more supplement thick spinach.

Iceberg lettuce

Iceberg lettuce might be the most well-known decision for servings of mixed greens, yet with a low vitamin and mineral tally, its commitment to your well being is low. While it's not in reality awful for you, choose other lettuce composes for your plates of mixed greens to help increment your everyday supplement admission.

Leafy Foods
Vit E
Vit C
Vit A
Vit K
Swiss Chard
*mg = milligrams  |  *IU=International Units  |  *ug = micro grams