May 26, 2017

How to Make Homemade Fruit Salad at Restaurant style

Ingredients for Sugar Sauce

Orange juice – 2/3 cup
Lemon sugar – 1/3 cup
Brown sugar – 1/3 cup
Grated orange – ½ teaspoon
Grated lemon – ½ teaspoon
Vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon
Pineapple – 2 cups (cut it in cubes)

Direction to cook

Bring all the above ingredients except vanilla extract and put it in a sauce pan. Boil it in the medium flame. Reduce the flame to low until thicken.  After 5 minutes remove the heat and vanilla extract and allow cooling it. Before that I’m going to prepare the fruits for salad.

Fruit Sugar Sauce

Ingredients for Salad

Strawberry – 2 cup (Sliced)
Kiwi – 2 cup (Sliced)
Bananas – 3
Orange – 2 (peeled and sectioned)
Grapes – 1 cup (seedless)
Blueberries – 2 cup

Direction to make

Prepare all the fruits as mentioned in the ingredients.
Layered the fruits one by one to make an attractive colorful. In this order pineapple, strawberries, kiwi fruit, bananas, oranges, grapes, and blueberries.
Pour the cooled sauce over the fruits layer.
Cool it in the refrigerate 3 to 4 hrs.
Now ready to eat. Yummy!

Fruit Salad

May 25, 2017

Benefits of Fruit Salad

Benefits of Fruit Salad

Step 1: Fruits may helps to reduce your heart disease, chronic disease and cancer.
Step 2: Fruits contains fiber which is helps to keep the lower blood cholesterol level.
Step 3: May chance to reduce Type 2 diabetes.
Ste 4: Fruits has lower calories when compared to another fruits. Which is helps to keep the intake of calorie should be limit.
Step 5: Fruits like orange and banana are rich in potassium. It may help to maintain your blood pressure. So I recommend you to add this fruits in your salad also.
Step 6: Fruits are naturally cholesterol free. So it helps to reduce your fat and helps to maintain your diet.
Step 7: For pregnancy woman, It helps to reduce the risk of baby’s development.
Step 8: Naturally it contains variety of colors, so children also like to eat it.
Step 9: Overall, Fruits helps to maintain your good health.
Conclusion: Make fruit salad daily in your home and eat well and stay well.

May 8, 2017

Benifits of Pasalai keerai

Pasalai keerai (Tamil) known as Spinach in English is a worldwide famous green leafy vegetable. It is a favourite edible plant used in various cuisines for its unique taste and for its health benefits.

Pasalai Keerai
For its texture, it is loved most of the chef around the world. It is tender, crispy and has dark green leaves. As a green leafy vegetable, it provides more vitamins and nutrients than any other veggies because it is packed with abundant vitamins, phytonutrients, and minerals.
Health Benefits of Pasalai Keerai

1. Be Slim & Fit

Calories and fat content in pasalai keerai are very low. It has a very good amount of fat soluble fiber content which aids in proper digestion and prevents from constipation. Due to low-calorie content taking spinach in any form helps you to reduce your weight.

2. Keep Your Heart Fresh

Too much of fat in the blood get deposited on the blood vessel wall which causes blockage in the flow of blood. Blocked blood flow is the main reason for heart attack. Deposit of fat makes the arteries to harden. Lutein is the chemical compound which prevents the hardening of the blood vessel. The human body cannot produce Lutein on their own. Lutein is one of the carotenoids found abundant in spinach, kale and carrots. Also presence of high content of potassium maintains heart health. So, by consuming palak you can improve your heart health.
3. Gives Radiant Complexion

Palak is rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C which cleanses and rejuvenates the skin cells. Eating palak helps to get rid of dry and itchy skin and also gives a radiant look and improves the complexion of the skin.

4. No more Stuck

Its high fiber content makes the stool bulk and eases the passage to pass it. It’s a kind of home remedy for constipation. It also promotes gastrointestinal health by protecting the colon in the intestine. Vitamin C and Beta-carotene content in pasalai keerai helps to fight free radicals in the intestine.

5. Maintain Blood Sugar

The glycemic index of spinach is very low which makes it suitable for diabetes patient. It maintains your blood glucose level in norm and also improves blood flow. Nutrients present in spinach boost the working of beta cells in the pancreas which produce insulin to prevent from diabetes.

6. Skin Care

Healthy skin is a mirror for a healthy body. We say that first impression is the best impression. Our skin plays a vital role in order to make it as the best impression. With lots of nutrients and antioxidants, consumption of spinach eliminates most of the skin problems, moisturise it and also increases the complexion of the skin.

7. Improves Quantity and Quality of Sperm

Spinach is filled with folic acid, iron, zinc and lot of antioxidants which aids in improving quality and quantity of sperm. With all these nutrients and minerals, the mobility of sperm is improved which makes the sperm as a quality one which can reach the egg beside the other entire factor. Consuming Spinach also helps in the production of new sperm.

8. Pearl White Teeth

Rich calcium content of spinach helps in making teeth stronger. It also acts as a stain removing agent; removes stain from the teeth and makes it Pearl White. Do you wish to have pearl white teeth? then munch on crunchy leaves of spinach.

9. Activate Your Brain

In the process of ageing, brain cells withdraw its efficient working slowly and start to degenerate due to the free radicals formation. Taking lot of antioxidants helps to restore brain function by fighting free radicals and also strengthens the nervous system. Continuous consumption of spinach which is a rich source of antioxidants makes brain function in optimum level.

10. Lower the Risk of Cancer

Spinach is rich in phytonutrients; methylenedioxy flavonol, glucuronides and carotenoids, Neoxanthin and violaxanthin which has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory agent. It can slow down the cell division in Stomach, skin and breast cancer cells. According to the recent study, diet rich in kaempferol, a flavonoid can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer up to 40% in women. Spinach is rich in kaempferol, chlorophyll, carotenoids, omega-3 fatty acid which are well known for its fighting against cancer property.

11. Better Vision

Lutein and Zeaxanthin, the two types of carotenoids which are the coloured pigments found mainly in vegetables and fruits. These carotenoids help in preventing damage to the plants from excessive sunlight by absorbing excess light energy (blue light – high energy light rays). Along with these two carotenoids, meso-zeaxanthin found in the macula of the human eye; pigments which prevent the blue light from reaching the basic structures in the retina. Thus, it reduces the risk of oxidative damage which leads to the macular degeneration and also cataracts. Eating spinach too often prevents eye diseases as it is rich in Lutein and Zeaxanthin. Cooked spinach has more lutein than a raw one.

12. Stronger Bones

Vitamin K is rich in spinach, aids in maintaining bone health. Vitamin K suppresses the activity of over-stimulated osteoclasts, a type of bone cells which breaks down it. Vitamin K also induces the production of osteocalcin which strengthens the bones. Spinach is rich in Vitamin K and also a good substitute for dairy products in providing calcium.

13. Lowers High BP

Micronutrients and minerals present in spinach lower the stress and anxiety. It also balances the sodium & potassium level in blood by reducing potassium level. These things play a vital role in lowering blood pressure level. High blood pressure increases the risk of kidney failure, heart disease and stroke. Eating spinach regularly helps to lower blood pressure.

14. Stress-free Life

Palak has an incredible amount of magnesium and zinc; gives good sleep at night time, therefore, reduces the stress level and relaxes the body. Magnesium refills your energy within seconds. Sound sleep helps in proper healing of your body and contributes stress-free relaxed body.

15. Anti-inflammatory Agent

Neoxanthin and violaxanthin, two epoxyxanthophylls which regulate inflammation are present in spinach. Consuming spinach often provides prevention from inflammatory diseases like arthritis, osteoporosis, and migraine.

16. No Anaemia/Anemia

Palak is an excellent source of iron which prevents from anemia. Women and children are one’s suffer from anemia mainly. Iron is a micro-nutrient which aids in the formation of hemoglobin in red blood corpuscle. Pregnant women need more iron as they tend to get anemic more often. Menstruating women also needs more iron in order to compensate their blood loss. Consuming palak frequently reduces the chances of getting anemia.

17. Increases Immunity

Vitamin A acts a key role in the immune health of our body. The main role Vitamin A is to protect and regularize various working system of the body like the respiratory system, urinary system, digestive system, and also regulates antigen presenting cells. Pasalai Keerai is rich in Vitamin A; by eating it you can make your body disease proof.

18. Pimple Free Skin

Vitamin a and Vitamin C which is found abundant in Spinach helps to get a pimple free and clear skin. Rich iron content increases the production of red blood cells so that it can carry more oxygen throughout the body. As skin gets more oxygen it rejuvenates itself and gives soft and supple skin with no pimple.

19. Anti-ageing Property

Antioxidants present in spinach helps to fight free radicals (which induces the ageing process and also cancer risk is high) produced in the body, therefore, slows down the ageing process. As your ageing process is slowed you look young and will be more active than others.

20. Hair Growth

Spinach is rich in Vitamin A, C, B, K, E, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc and Omega 3 fatty acid promotes the growth of hair. Deficiency of iron causes loss of hair because hair strands receive less oxygen-carrying blood. Spinach is a good source of iron, prevents hair from becoming dry and fragile.

21. Rich in Folic Acid

Palak is rich in foliate which is a crucial nutrient for pregnant women. Eating a diet rich in folic acid for first three months prevents neural tubal disease in growing fetus. It also helps in the formation of red blood cells thus by reducing the chance of becoming anemic.
22. Prevents from Asthma

22. Asthma

Asthma can be prevented from consuming lot of certain vitamins and nutrients. One of the nutrients with well-known anti-asthma property is beta carotene. Spinach, a green leafy vegetable is a rich source of this particular nutrient. The prolonged eating of spinach prevents from asthma.

May 5, 2017

Protein Sources for Vegan and Vegetarian

Green peas

Foods in the legume family are good sources of vegetarian protein, and peas are no exception: One cup contains 7.9 grams—about the same as a cup of milk. (For the record, women should get about 46 grams of protein per day, and men need about 56.) If you don't like peas as a side dish, try blending them into a pesto, "I blend frozen peas, toasted pine nuts, fresh mint, olive oil, and Parmesan cheese and serve over linguine,". "It's one of my all-time favorite meat-free meals!"


Most grains contain a small amount of protein, but quinoa—technically a seed—is unique in that it contains more than 8 grams per cup, including all nine essential amino acids that the body needs for growth and repair, but cannot produce on its own. (Because of that, it's often referred to as a "perfect protein.") Plus, it's amazingly versatile: Quinoa can be added to soup or vegetarian chili during winter months, served with brown sugar and fruit as a hot breakfast cereal, or tossed with vegetables and vinaigrette to make a refreshing summer salad.

Nuts and nut butter

All nuts contain both healthy fats and protein, making them a valuable part of a plant-based diet. But because they are high in calories—almonds, cashews, and pistachios for example, all contain 160 calories and 5 or 6 grams of protein per ounce—choose varieties that are raw or dry roasted. Nut butters, like peanut and almond butter, are also a good way to get protein, says Penner: "Look for brands with as few ingredients as possible—just nuts and maybe salt," she says. "Skip the ones with hydrogenated oils or lots of added sugar."

There are many different varieties of beans—black, white, pinto, heirloom, etc.—but one thing they all have in common is their high amounts of protein. Two cups of kidney beans, for example, contain about 26 grams (almost the same as a Big Mac, which has 25 grams!). And you don't have to make beans from scratch to reap their nutritional benefits, says Christine Gerbstadt, MD, RD, author of Doctor's Detox Diet. "If you want to buy them dried and soak them overnight before you cook them, that's fine," she says. "But it's also perfectly okay—and much easier—to buy them canned, rinses them, and heats them up over the stove."


Also known as garbanzo beans, these legumes can be tossed into salads, fried and salted as a crispy snack, or pureed into a hummus. They contain 7.3 grams of protein in just half a cup, and are also high in fiber and low in calories.

 "You can make a really great meal with some whole-wheat flatbread, some veggies, and some homemade hummus," says Gerbstadt. "Just toss a can of chickpeas in the blender with some herbs and some tahini or walnut oil and you're good to go."

Leafy greens

Vegetables don't have nearly as much protein as legumes and nuts, Gerbstadt says, but some do contain significant amounts—along with lots of antioxidants and heart-healthy fiber. "If someone is eating a lot of vegetables—and a wide variety of different types of vegetables—it will certainly add up to a good amount of amino acids," she adds. Two cups of raw spinach, for example, contain 2.1 grams of protein, and one cup of chopped broccoli contains 8.1 grams.

Sesame, sunflower and poppy seeds 

Don't discount the other seeds in your pantry, either; the more familiar varieties are also high in protein and healthy fats, says Gerbstadt. (Per volume, sunflower seed kernels contain the most protein—7.3 grams per quarter cup—followed by sesame seeds and poppy seeds at 5.4 grams each.) Try thinking of outside-the-box ways to add more seeds to your diet, Gerbstadt says: "Instead of saving poppy seeds for once a year for your holiday bread, try adding them to a vinaigrette," she suggests.

Unsweetened cocoa powder

Bet you didn't know you can get protein from chocolate! Unsweetened cocoa powder—the type used in baking or making hot chocolate from scratch—contains about 1 gram of protein per tablespoon. The powder is bitter all by itself, however, so most recipes call for lots of sugar and fat (usually butter or other dairy), as well. Stick with nonfat (or almond milk) and choose calorie-free sweeteners for a healthy, low-cal hot cocoa, or add it to air-popped popcorn (along with sugar, allspice, and cayenne pepper) for a sweet and spicy whole-grain treat.